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The age of enligtenment

                                  Long back ago there were traces of age of enlightenment also known as the age of revolution. It dated between seventeenth to the nineteenth century. It was mainly held in Europe and its neighbouring countries. It was marked from a couple of instances like industrial imperialism, death of King Louis of France, the French revolution. There is simply no need to rewrite history again since you all may be familiar regarding history. I know its far boring but it would be simply very easy and fascinating because you ought to understand something never changes. You all know that "Truth alone triumphs and truth is history." Truth has its roots planted in the crest of instances regarded as history. I know its quite annoying to read the same thing again and again but we should never forget that truthness is achieved by enlightenment, while enlightenment is achieved by experiences and experiences lay the foundation of history. You know until you don't develop an attitude to develop yourself as a whole till then you are bound to dwell in search of peace. It's not possible unless you attain a state of self-realization. It results to achieve the state of enlightenment.
                                    Enlightenment is usually related to spirituality it is usually used at places named religious institutions like temples, churches, mosques and other well-renowned places. It is fruitful in laying the essence of spirituality. It also helps in developing faith in ourselves, religion and also on almighty God. When you be in the state of enlightenment knowingly or unknowingly you enjoy every activity irrespective of your thoughts. When you bound yourself to develop then you, discover a new you. Then actually you develop a sense that ultimately leads you to an upper position it helps you to discover the truth regardless of any scenario leading to the better decision-maker. Enlightenment does not mean being a monk and wanders here and there looking for peace. Enlightenment means developing the will to learn anything regardless to which background you belong. You develop such an attitude to outgrow in life in terms of discipline, patience, peace and happiness. Age of enlightenment was witnessed during the time at its peak level from 1718-1789. During this time atmosphere of all European countries were blissful and serene all over everyone we're happy and prosperous. Because they invaded other countries and invaded them by ruining their life developing their hierarchy to maintain supreme power all over. Where there was no co-operation between the diversified scattered power.

                                    According to me, it is unjust to ruin anyone's life for the sake and contentment of others. It is inhuman in nature, to be harsh to anyone to impress others, to comfort yourself and show your control on others. Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the ocean. Age denotes period, while enlightenment is awareness. It is related to the phase where an individual attains knowledge to procure himself and if you are successful to discover yourself you find new ways to meet limitless opportunities heading towards you to add new value to your life.
We are in the phase where enlightenment is the ultimate discovery of ultimate knowledge because knowledge lays the foundation of true character.
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