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Top level book which depicts indian society

                                           Hey readers, by looking at the topic stated above you all may have got the clear idea to which topic I am talking about. Sometimes I wonder is there a perfect book which fearlessly states view, regarding different schemes and policies implemented or undertaken by the government. After researching for quite some time, I came through the mind-blowing book which is written by famous Chetan Bhagat. He is one of the famous bestsellers of the decade and one of my own favourite and an inspiration to all young minds. While reading this book I am so joyed by this experience that simply I have no words to express my feelings to state "How important the book is?" But I advise you that this book is worthy and stands up to the mark which clarifies doubt regarding every aspect related to various scenarios.

                                              This is one of the awesome books, which replicates the true face of the Indian scenario. We are in an era where development takes place daily somewhere in the field of infrastructure. This book purely depicts the true face of Indian politics, but let me clarify the important and foremostly that this book ideally does not represent any idealogy related to any political party. This book only tries to raise awareness among the masses stating the advantages of  Governmental reign in the current scenario undertaken by our honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Damodardas Modi. This book is treated as a total guide relishing the journey of Indian democracy.

                                              This book has a great impact on the people of all section irrespective of their class whether poor or rich. This book covers various subjects which play a major role in shaping our future as an individual as a democratic country of India. This book covers overall knowledge regarding various subjects to the betterment of human society or the Indian economy as a whole. Subjects related to socio-economic characters its advantages and disadvantages scrutinising the Indian government and people. In it, this is depicted through various articles, essays, poetic verses. Hey, I forgot to reveal the name of the book, "INDIA POSITIVE". 

                                                The main thing about this book is that this writer's views have been mentioned clearly and separately. Detailed analysis of the overall aspects related to various subjects which are important from the development point of view. This book also covers various steps discussed regarding every small aspect of the development of the country's social and national interests. I shall advise all my dear friends, that please go through this book to get to the point of current scenaRio related to the Government policies and also programmes implemented within the jurisdiction.

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