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                                  Sustainability means avoidance of the depletion of natural resources to maintain ecological balance. To understand what does the word sustainability means? We should be aware of the scientific term "Ecology". Ecology is a branch of biology concerning interactions among organisms and their biophysical environment, which includes both biotic and abiotic components. Sustainability is the word which is combined with two words namely "sustain" and "ability". Sustain means to live, whereas ability means capability or capacity. Sustainability means to discuss the relationship between biotic and abiotic factors. There are numerous problems which are been facing by the whole world. There are various terms which describe the problem currently facing by the whole world in the current scenario which often dictates socio-economic influence over the problem to arise.

                                 A friend of mine who stays in a country like Saudi Arabia advised me to prepare a blog stating awareness and importance of topics related to conservation, sustainability. I realised it is not my piece to bother but rationally I thought over this then I realised it is indirectly related to my niche that is "Humanities and arts" having a deeper meaning. Since her topic is related to environmental science while my content is really restricted to human science and arts. Both aims to spread awareness about how important life is to all us and how we are misusing it? She is working towards noble cause, so I decided to extend my help towards her act to refrain us from devastation. Please go through her website to get more information regarding her and her organization I feel so privileged to present before you this blog as it helps me broaden my limits and also widens my horizon not following my boundary.

                                     Sustainability is important in every part of life, it is a very vast topic as it deals with various known and also unknown terms. Previously mentioned biotic factors are those living beings which in either way affects it or which cant be replenished once it gets over or depleted. Abiotic factors are non-living things which can be replenished once it gets over or can be reused on its revival. Examples of biotic factors are humans, fungi, micro-organisms etc while abiotic factors are stones, climate, water etc. There are various problems in the world by which entire human life is on the verge of extinction to combat them sustainability is the only solution. There should be always a state of balance in all aspects related in any way or in any manner. Sustainability is the only solution to many problems socially or globally.

                                    Sustainability teaches us various tricks to deal with many problems. It teaches us alternatively to adaptation. As there is the law of adaptation, that survival for the fittest similarly there is a law of sustainability that states "The person who sustains in the world is fittest". Sustainability is also a choice of development. As I have mentioned earlier sustainability is a vast topic in itself. Hope you all will support me in the same way as before. I have just tried to make you aware but differently. Please don't forget to give your feedback and also let me know my mistakes.
                                    I would like to put forth before you a simple point that what does actually sustainability actually means? Sustainability only focusses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future is sustainability. The whole concept revolves around three pillars that are economic, environmental and social which informally deals with-profits, planet and people.  
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