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Janta curfew

                                Nowadays, you all may be aware of critical conditions facing in the world in the form of a pandemic virus that is the existence of COVID-19. During the time of the first world and second world war, the number of countries a corresponding number of lives was not affected compared to this hectic situation termed as "epidemic." During this difficult situation, it is very important to strengthen our helping hands and this is the way to show our patriotism towards our country and helping each other irrespective of our religion, caste and show how diversified we are but we always stand united in times of crisis. "Humanity is the biggest of all religion".
                                Our country holds a population of nearly 130 crore Indians, a nearly second populous country in the world. Now talking about COVID-19, till now we are in a safe zone that since developed countries are harmed much by seeing statistics and record all-over. It is my duty to at least make some effort to show my love towards my nation at its time of need by spreading awareness through the most powerful medium that is the Internet. I do not know how far my message will spread, but I think it is my responsibility to help my nation. Patriotism is shown in its own way by every individual it does not mean that patriotism is reflected by only officers who serve for the nation. Yesterday dated on 19th, March 2020 our honourable Prime Minister "Mr Narendra Modi"  addressed nation through his speech. He stated preventive measures which are to be followed by every citizen to stop its spread.

                                Basic hygiene is to be practised by every individual for more information you all can google it or search on youtube. Following an important announcement "On 22nd March that is on Sunday, there would be "Janta curfew" in the view of the betterment of people. Janta curfew is basically curfew imposed on people, by the people and for the people. From 7 am to 9 pm there would be Janta curfew in which you have to do nothing simply stay isolated at home and please value the role of doctors, nurses, working staff, government employees and also a delivery man. They are real heroes who always try to serve other people without any ownership interest. They work selflessly just to play their role. We should be thankful to them because in this intense situation they don't care about themself and still try to help others.

                                 He also appealed us correctly at 5 pm after the gong strikes we should stand at our doorstep, or in a balcony or near our window we should stand and gage a sound a movement to appreciate the roles of these people in our life and cheer them to help them make aware we stand with them and value their contribution to society. Recognition is always higher than some other thing in life. We can cheer them just like a spectator of the match we can raise their spirits by clapping hands. yelling, bell-ringing noise to mark "UNITY IN DIVERSITY."

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