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perspective pathways to greater human flourishing

                           Perspective pathways to greater human flourishing mean having an optimistic outlook towards life.  Perspective pathways mean long term clear and distinct vision which is helpful for further growth in life but in a different way or indifferent manner provided by the fact to carry forward in life. We are in an era where we actually don't have time or we don't care about anyone leaving our ownself. But in all this hoopla or commotion we humans forget the fact "although we can achieve anything in life, but if we have no people around us everything is in vain". It is useless if we count our life in deeds or achievement, life is simply how much we enjoy every moment through. It is true that life never stops unlike by the day which is constant that is time period of 24 hours, so we should always keep moving in life unrelated what we hold in our fist. Be it sorrow or happy, actually we should catch hold of time so prior or post we may never lag any moment and make it's utmost use. never ever treat anything useless because a broken clock also shows correct time twice a day. Everything has its importance at the right moment in life, so don't demean anything.   Flourishing means change, development, transformation or thriving. This topic completely deals with different ways or manners to achieve or meet bigger success which thrives or gisters that overdrives. It is our call to understand basically what is life? How important it is to have positive frame of mind? It is you who decides how to perspire in society. According to me life is really simple but for beautifying it we make it complex. Greatness lies in simplicity, simplicity comes from kindness, kindness develops by serving others.
Flourishing in human life demands many things such as renunciate, spirituality avoidance from worldly desires. It comes into display when you desire to serve others by imparting greater knowledge beneficial for human life existence.

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