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be a winner 2

                                  As I mentioned earlier,we are in next phase to discuss our earlier topic that is be a winner version 2.Previously we lime-lighted the concept "Actual winners" which depicts and binds deep meaning hidden into it.I suppose that actual success is very authentic term which will fill human life with happiness and contentment.We have to discuss subject exactly bifurcated from losers but related in a specific manner to success that is so called success.Success is very vast parameter which depends on various factors and also has far reaching effects depending from person to person owing to their thinking and restrictions.
So it is impossible to define particularly to the concept to what is success?Success is a term which is totally unattainable without feeling of contentment and patience.It is useless to measure success,on the other hand it is the most easiest thing for stupid person because according to him success is measured if you are enriched with worldly or material world.
                                   Coming back to our original topic to learn about topic so called winner.The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."Life is 10% about what happens to us,while 90% is about how we react to it"by Dennis P. Kimbro.So called winners are person's with golden heart,they also possess same quality as of actual winners or more but lack in one major quality that they are afraid or frightened before facing unjust situations.They always measure success according to expectations of the world.They have positive quality that they never back-off from any responsibility entitled to them.They are of the view that success is only attained through being winner just to admire worldly recognition.You know some are born to express,while others just to impress.According to them follow a set of rule specified and get stuck in rat race and follow the crowd.They never develop a courage to follow their heart, break the rules and do something different and set up an unexpected example before the world.
                                In my opinion such person's are winners, because they possess all the traits, to me they are winners provided that to certain level so I called them "so called winners".Its not their fault they are nurtured in such a way that they limit theirselves according to world where fear comply them provided by insecurity and low-confidence.

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