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way to destiny

                                                   Today before you I am presenting a topic named "Way to destiny".You are fully aware of the word way it just means route and destiny means destination. The topic clearly suggests a route that leads to the destination. People's are aware of this topic but unfortunately, they are misguided or misled owing to confusion between fate and destiny. Fate and destiny are regarded as one but it needs to be understood that whether they may be aligned in the same manner but they are vague from each other. Let's have to look at two basic examples concerning,
  1. I am destined to reach there.
  2. It's my fate to reach there.
Look at both sentences both means the same I agree to the fact but see destined shows positive trait while fate displays negative aspect. Because destined is relatable to emotions like confidence, will power,
sheer determination while fate gets linked with luck, time tune an old proverb linked with it that is "Luck is fate while fate is timing".Destiny leads to realistic goals it is our will while fate leads to reality is owing to luck. have tried to rectify the difference to me, am not regarding anyone wrong it is a misconception depends on various aspects it'sated the bigger your vision boundless will be your extensions.

   Was I able to deliver my words clearly basic topics and present my thinking regardless of others I clearly state that there is everything is quantum in nature which states its perception unlikely to others related or irrelated.

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  1. The topic is good . But complete clarity is lacking. The structure is loose and grammatical mistakes are there.Write short, clear and powerful sentences.

  2. Thanks sir for your feedback sorry to disappoint you


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